Why There Is No More Mobile Operating System


Android and Ios has a combined market share of 99.6% of the whole mobile os industry. So why there is no other mobile operating system? 

An operating system rises to run a new category of hardware or to run apps and programs in a new way. For example, mobile operating system arose due to new type of hardware at the time when the industry was being bored by personal computer. Similarly, when the way we interact with programs and apps is changed, it gives rise to new operating system. Firefox mobile operating system was developed to change the way we interact with app, that was done by pushing apps on cloud and you would need an active internet connection to run the apps.

For an operating system to gain big market share, it should have minimum of threshold users. A significant number of users enables developers to write app for the platform. Writing and deploying app is expensive and technically difficult task. So a big number of users 
on a platform enables developers to write apps, which enables users to use the os in turn. 

For a new mobile operating system to gain more market share, it should have a threshold users for users to write apps. However, 

The tech industry has got such a time where it is hard time to gain popularity and market share. Example is firefox os launched in 2013 and cancelled in 2015.

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