Rocket Transportation

Spacex launched Falcon 9 , and after 5 minutes of it's launch, it landed successfully in Moscow. This is very important turning point for Spacex, as it can pave it's way for vary fast transportation system.

Elon Musk had previously told that he wants to to enable people take a ride around the earth in few minutes.
Now, he has achieved his goal.

This may be not a good this to Spacex's competitor like blue origin which has already tested first landing rocket and other rocket giants. But to Spacex , it has a big business potential.

Travelling in a rocket may sound exciting to people as it is not something most of humanity haven't done yet.
So there is no surprise that Elon Musk will make a business plan of rocket travelling. This will of course contribute revenue to Musk's company which they will use to build sophisticated space vehicle and Musk ambition of mars colonization.

What is Spacex going to do with the money they will make is not important to Elon Musk than the achievement it has made in recent years. Elon Musk has tweeted than Spacex will land space cargo rocket on mars and send some thousand of human to mars.

However, this vision is worth waiting. If Spacex becomes possible to colonize the mars, it will be a great achievement to human civilization. Human will become multi-planetary species. And all the credit goes to PayPal and Spacex founder Elon Musk. 

The falcon 9 landed in Moscow after 5 minutes of its launch, which means it can travels around the earth in less than 10 minutes. This is be a threat to airline companies as it can blow their air travel business.

The falcon 9 landing has made many people excited about what is the next big thing. Space travel is a long time dream of humans. Spacex was one of the space companies which thought this can be an exciting thing. However, using rockets for internal transportation is not something people have imagined. So it is common to ave such an excitement to travel from London to Dubai to spend holidays in a rocket.

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